
Insights-Driven Strategy


The Ideate phase is a critical step in the product development process. Insights developed during the Explore phase are transformed into product concepts that can be used to test assumptions, target markets and product hypotheses. Using evaluative research techniques, we conduct qualitative and quantitative research to validate features, inform bundling and pricing strategies and define segmented value propositions.

The goal of research during the Ideate phase is to define and prioritize product concepts and to assess the desirability, viability and feasibility of those concepts. Evaluative research uses quantitative methods (MaxDiff and Conjoint) to uncover key insights that help to prioritize features, make bundling and pricing decisions and define segmented value propositions. 

Feature Prioritization

Feature prioritization helps to evaluate the relative value of product features and the likelihood of those attributes influencing a customers’ willingness to pay.

  • What are the key features/functions of the product concept?
  • Which features/functions create the most value?
  • What is the relative value of a feature relative to other features included in a product concept?
Two people analyzing printed data

Bundling and Pricing Analysis

Bundling and pricing analysis allows for testing of product configurations, bundling packages and pricing.

  • What features do customers want in their ideal product?
  • Which feature combinations will maximize market share?
  • How much value does a customer place on different variations of a product ?
  • What is the impact of price points on consumer purchasing behaviors?

Segment and Value Proposition Analysis:

Segmentation and value proposition analysis facilitates the division of the market into discrete groups with similar attributes and motives and enables the development of differentiated value propositions and personas based on customer wants and needs.

  • What type of segmentation (demographic, psychographic, demographic, behavioral and needs-based) best describes the market?
  • Which product/service features are most and least important to customer purchase decisions?
  • Which segments should we target/not target? (concentrated or multi-segment strategy)
  • Which features or collection of features create value for target market segments?
  • How do you represent the value to potential customers of purchasing a product or service?